Monday, December 15, 2008

A first time for everything

I don't know exactly what this will mean for me or the purpose of this place just yet. I will wait to see how this develops and changes as time moves on. Right now it is going to be an immediate place to keep those who are interested in my life up to speed. I intend to never offend nor show my hand about individuals or instituitions or political parties or too deeply my soul in this format, but rather this be a place to keep up with the things in life that I am enjoying, thoughts about books, about how I am doing in general, what is upcoming in my life and interesting things I might forget to tell those I love and care for from day to day because I am forgetful. Feel free to join along in the journey of my life. I expect few to be interested and even few less to follow, but that is just as well. If few enough join maybe I will be more open to sharing about the off limits issues. Only time will tell.

As for my life. I am loving being married. My wife is great and she and I are learning everyday how to better love one another. I will get her permission to go into more detail about the ins and the outs of our day to day life and if I do then you will her more about her. If not, then you won't because I respect her privacy and wouldn't want her posting public messages about me without my consent.

My work is good as well. It is challenging and more than anything I am learning how to use the gifts God has granted me to do good and to do the least amount of harm as well. It is a difficult transition from the laity to the clergy but one I am enjoying. May God be near me and my I always stay boldly humble in my pursuit of the things I consider to be God's work.

My dog, Derby, is really coming along well in his training. If all goes according to the plan he will graduate from doggie training school this Friday and be admitted into group training sessions this upcoming year. (This has been a goal of Sue and mines for sometime and we are pumped that he is doing well!)

Christmas is pressing right now and it has been a crazy couple of weeks. I can't wait to sit down, slow down, and enjoy the sounds, smells, and scenery of Christmas. That is my hope for this week. I love you all and my prayers today are with the Lundeen family as they have lost a loved one and will be traveling in harsh climates to make the funeral.


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