Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advent like Lent?

I have drawn an unusual parallel in my mind this year that I just can't quite shake; Advent is a lot like Lent. I thought I was pretty crazy the first time I thought about it, but as time has marched on the notion seems to be settling quite nicely. As I have been trying to prepare own heart for the coming of Christmas, it has felt a great deal like the Lenten season, when I am preparing my heart for the return of Jesus!

This strange waiting period we call Advent is not something I have traditionally grown up celebrating and maybe that is part of my problem. I come from a very non-liturgical background where following the church calender would have been as foreign to me as dancing down the aisles during the 11 service (it was always interpretive movement), having the sermon first in the service with the singing and anthem coming after the preacher had finished up, having incense burned, not taking up an offering, or even better letting the kids take up the offering instead of the deacons. Needless to say, I was not raised with such a thing called the church calendar.

I have grown to appreciate the flow of the church calendar. My church uses it loosely, but I like to follow its major movements in my personal life. I have found that Advent helps me to wonder. It brings back some of the starry eyed boy that couldn't wait for Christmas morning. I find myself feeling less burdened about the parties, the cooking (who am I kidding, we all know my wife does the cooking) the multiple trips to the store so the cooking can continue, the gift buying, the Christmas music, the holiday travel etc... These are a part of the Advent season. I am preparing for Christmas, I am anticipating the day.

I had the most fun I have had in year's putting up the Christmas tree with my wife. The reason, it was the first time we have ever gotten a real Christmas tree for one (thanks Dad for putting ours up all those years, it's hard to get that sucker straight) and it was another symbol for me to get ready, Jesus is coming. Get excited, be ready, don't miss it, God is coming in the greatest scandal that history has ever dreamed up. Our God, creator of all is coming in the form of a child vulnerable and helpless and a teenager of all people is going to bring God into this world.

In my personal devotion time I am trying to quiet my heart, listen, and find that excitement. rekindle the excitement and wonder I had about Christmas when I was a child. I know that Jesus is coming and for the next few weeks, I now is the time to stop and think about just how great that really is!

I hope you will too.

Advent's a lot like Lent... the difference, I get really sorrowful, full of despair, and repentant as I wait for the celebration of Easter to come; during the Advent season I am not sorrow and full of despair but rather excited and full of wonder that builds inside my mind and heart as I wait for the joy of Christmas morning.

Happy Advent Season, I hope you enjoy the wait for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Great to read another from you, even if I was a little late. Happy New Year!
