Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Advent like Lent?

I have drawn an unusual parallel in my mind this year that I just can't quite shake; Advent is a lot like Lent. I thought I was pretty crazy the first time I thought about it, but as time has marched on the notion seems to be settling quite nicely. As I have been trying to prepare own heart for the coming of Christmas, it has felt a great deal like the Lenten season, when I am preparing my heart for the return of Jesus!

This strange waiting period we call Advent is not something I have traditionally grown up celebrating and maybe that is part of my problem. I come from a very non-liturgical background where following the church calender would have been as foreign to me as dancing down the aisles during the 11 service (it was always interpretive movement), having the sermon first in the service with the singing and anthem coming after the preacher had finished up, having incense burned, not taking up an offering, or even better letting the kids take up the offering instead of the deacons. Needless to say, I was not raised with such a thing called the church calendar.

I have grown to appreciate the flow of the church calendar. My church uses it loosely, but I like to follow its major movements in my personal life. I have found that Advent helps me to wonder. It brings back some of the starry eyed boy that couldn't wait for Christmas morning. I find myself feeling less burdened about the parties, the cooking (who am I kidding, we all know my wife does the cooking) the multiple trips to the store so the cooking can continue, the gift buying, the Christmas music, the holiday travel etc... These are a part of the Advent season. I am preparing for Christmas, I am anticipating the day.

I had the most fun I have had in year's putting up the Christmas tree with my wife. The reason, it was the first time we have ever gotten a real Christmas tree for one (thanks Dad for putting ours up all those years, it's hard to get that sucker straight) and it was another symbol for me to get ready, Jesus is coming. Get excited, be ready, don't miss it, God is coming in the greatest scandal that history has ever dreamed up. Our God, creator of all is coming in the form of a child vulnerable and helpless and a teenager of all people is going to bring God into this world.

In my personal devotion time I am trying to quiet my heart, listen, and find that excitement. rekindle the excitement and wonder I had about Christmas when I was a child. I know that Jesus is coming and for the next few weeks, I now is the time to stop and think about just how great that really is!

I hope you will too.

Advent's a lot like Lent... the difference, I get really sorrowful, full of despair, and repentant as I wait for the celebration of Easter to come; during the Advent season I am not sorrow and full of despair but rather excited and full of wonder that builds inside my mind and heart as I wait for the joy of Christmas morning.

Happy Advent Season, I hope you enjoy the wait for Christmas!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Masters

Sue and I are going to the Masters! We are very excited about it and I will post about it when I get back!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

More creative

I am not creative in my personal opinion, but I am working on it. I have a goal to be more creative in all areas of my life. Why, because I feel that knowledge is great but creativity is the true genius of life. I believe that my God is and was creative and tapping into the more mystical side of life that can not be measured with success is somehow connecting with God. God constantly defies the correct or the smart move and chooses the creative, the loving, the unpredictable. So, I am trying to be more creative.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Busy weekend

Leaving tomorrow and going to Mississippi. Coming back on Saturday. It will be a quick trip but am going to be able to see my Aunt who is dying of cancer, one of my best friends who is going through a tough time, my Dad who just got a job on Monday (whoop whoop), my sister who is soon going to be married, my brother and sister in law and nephew and niece (you better believe I'm bringing presents, small ones but presents nonetheless) , and hopefully going to get a chance to see the campus of MC for a few minutes. It will be a busy weekend, but hopefully a very good one.

The sermon went well on Sunday. If you would like to listen in please check it out at and then look for the sermon. I am going to bed now. Oh yeah, and if you aren't twittering yet give it about 6 months to a year and you will be. It is the next big thing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The sunshine comes and it goes

Saturday was awesome! Susan and I ran the Berry Half Marathon. A wonderful experience overall. I woke up in Rome, GA after staying the night with four (five, sorry about that little gymnast, you were the best!) wonderful friends. Sue and I ran the Half Marathon as two of our friends ran the 10 K! Katie and Brian, ya'll both did a great job! The race was beautiful. Sue did great! She ran a personal best!

We just got the proofs from the photographers who were on the course and I couldn't help but laugh because I was always smiling at the camera and goofing off and Sue was focused on the course. I didn't realize it as it was happening but she was motivated and would not be distracted.

And then the sunshine, it has gone again this morning and taken the warm weather with it. I also found out last night as the weather was leaving by the vale of the night my Aunt has 4-6 weeks left to live. She was diagnosed earlier this year with terminal cancer and has recently decided not to continue chemotherapy. Which has led me to ponder about life and the way that it ends. She has been able to tie up loose ends and knows she is close to the end. Would I rather go out that way, or pass quietly in the night, or would I rather not think about it.

But it's going to happen sometime. Which leads me to think about why we try not to think about death? Do we not have a future hope of heaven? And if we as followers of Christ aren't comfortable about an afterlife than is the hope we have for people here on Earth, as we try to bring back people into this glorious light, enough? Does it say something about our faith if we aren't comfortable with the the thought of heaven?

Spring is coming and Easter is on the way, but this seems like an appropriate Lenten Post.

On the sunnier side, here are some pictures from the race.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Some days are better than others

Today was not a good day... It started out really well with Sue getting the day off and getting to see her in the morning but quickly changed. My Dad lost his job today. No one I have ever known works any harder or with more loyalty than my Dad. I don't hesitate to think that he will find a great job and that things will work out for my family but this has made the current financial downturn look entirely different to me.

I have known for some time that it was bad, about one in ten give or take the state. I have even had friends around my age who have been laid off, so it was already personal for me on some level as well, but all of a sudden it seems harder.

It makes me question not just the current resolve of our country but the resolve of this young country for the next few years. If this recession gets really tough, and I don't think it will turn into anything like the 1930's with a 30% unemployment rate, but heaven forbid it does, I wonder if are ready to rebuild like our Great Grandparents and Grandparents did?

I just hope that today is just a bad day. And I hope that our economy comes back with a solid return soon enough and that it is not artificially inflated and therefore it is back with confidence for some time. Some days are better than others.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Should be reading but

I should be reading for CPE, but I alas I am sitting here typing away at my computer. Tonight's topic is about Melchiz'edeck. He is found in the Old Testament a couple of times and then again in Hebrews 6:20- 7:20 or so. He was the king of Salem (meaning peace according to the passage) and also the priest of the Most High God, who met with Abraham. Jesus comes from this "order of Melchiz'edeck.

Now I don't want to debate in depth too much about this guy, but more to talk about the way that Christianity in the first century felt the need to be associated to Judaism. I mean, these people did not want to be considered just another sect or cult or crazy anything but the fulfillment of the Hebrew nation. And the New Testament spends are great deal of time telling the Jews, Romans, Gentiles, and anyone who will listen that this is not something different but the same just with a fulfillment that requires something else now.

I don't exactly remember when the American League brought about the designated hitter, I don't remember when basketball brought in the three point line, and I don't recall when it was that football decided that it wasn't legal to touch a quarterback once the ball was released but those are changes within the game that have happened. These rule changes don't make baseball, basketball, or football something else, and yet one "a purist of the game" might be willing to argue that the game is different, has changed and should be called something else.

My point tonight as I ponder is this, "what should we be learning from the years of Hebrew study, dialogue, and thought that has been invested since Christ came, went and came again? Certainly there is rich tradition that has been lost, like the art of a pitcher having to practice swinging a bat just in case he is required to slap a seeing eye single through the infield to help his own cause. I don't know, just got to thinking about it. Maybe we should be talking more to those people in the strange hats who walk to the Temple? Maybe there is something rich there that we as Followers of one who is in the same order as that Melchedizinkiezkddkdo guy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Sister is Engaged

Today is a great day! My baby sister who I love very much is engaged! I wish that I could make her younger but truth be told she is a grown woman and about to be a married one. I am so happy for you Amanda. I love you very very much. Congratulations to Seth and welcome to our family. I know you will make a great addition because you play phase ten and because you make Amanda smile. I am very grateful to God tonight.

My Beloved Astros

A couple of facts about my Astros that you may not have known. They started as the Colt 45's (the gun)in 1962 then became the Astros in 1965 named after the space program in Houston. The first indoor stadium was the Astrodome. The initial plan was to leave the roof glassed so fans and players could see the skyline much like the field in Houston now Enron... I mean Minute Maid Park. The problem was the glare was so bad that they had to blacken the windows on the roof. This explains to me at least why it was probably the worst looking field back then. Also, we joined the National League the same year as the New York Metropolitans . Just a few facts about my beloved Astros. Come on March we are all waiting penitently.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just signed up for Sue is down with it and thought I would give it a spin to see what it is all about. Seems to be another web of people who have a love for something (this one being reading good books) and sharing that information. Think I am going to like it. If you are on goodreads look me up. My favorite thing about this site is that you can add books you want to read and therefore it becomes an easy place to have a wish list of books. (BC if you are anything like me you hear about this great book you are dying to read and then three weeks later have completely forgotten about it) Here is the website.

Monday, February 9, 2009

What's up with the days?

Two thoughts, short and sweet.
1- I haven't been able to keep up with my days since 2009 has kicked off. Is it Monday? Maybe Sunday, I don't seem to know. I hear that people often have this problem when they are depressed but I don't feel depressed. It is only early in the morning and it has been a problem. What's up with that?

2- CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) They keep telling me in this experience that I am not supposed to give advice or DO anything but be a presence and allow people to come to their own answers, work through their own grief and I am supposed to be with them and BE a presence in the midst of it all. This leads me to wonder, is there any other profession where people are called to not share the knowledge they have but rather hold back and allow others to come to their own conclusions even if you recognize a cultural pattern, individual life experience that is similar, or a theory that has been well established and not share it but instead to BE not act or share those experiences. I am trying and think this is a great experience for me but I do feel it is a little... a lot difficult for me to understand.

Any thoughts? Feb. 9th... Feb. is creeping...come on March... I need some Madness and bracketology

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The frustration of this Thursday.

I woke up just fine except for the fact that I closed my eyes around 11 pm and know that my mind wandered aimlessly for at least an hour in bed. My wife woke up as usual, but not like usual I too began to wake up and there was no reason to stay in bed past 6:45. (but I am feeling pretty well and am thinking this isn't going to catch up to me until Friday night when I have to stay awake until at least 1:15 am with the college kids at Mercer.) But so far so OK. Then I go to Publix to score some great deals only to find out that the deals change on Wednesday and today is unfortunately not Wednesday but rather Thursday. I don't have the intelligence or sheer luck to realize this until in the checkout line with all the now grossly overpriced things I will not be buying, and I have two of them to make matters even more interesting. (It is like the second item snickers at me quietly and I don't appreciate it much) So I make the best of a bad situation and get some of the deals that are now newly on sale, although I still wish I could have bought last weeks sales because they were better for the Barlow household, but alas I digress. And now is now. I forgot my lunch so will be going to get something to eat and all would be a loss for the day if I didn't have an all time low on the weight loss this morning. I am at 165. (I am also probably dehydrated and intend to drink plenty of water but at least for a moment I can see the Promised Land and know that if I keep starving myself, training for the marathon and think that sugar tastes like Brussel Sprouts I might just be able to stay at 165 and then use my friends, Katie's, nifty device to see how much body fat I have and if I am close I will celebrate... but not on a Thursday, because it hasn't been good to me today. Gray's Anatomy to come tonight so Paradise is not Lost yet completely. Reading a good book, Three Cups of Tea. Will be sharing about it soon. Love a show on the CW... WB... (the station that has the show One Tree Hill) The name of the new show I love on that station is Privileged. Witty like Gilmore Girls and really not too much of the stuff that makes late night shows sell. Also interested in Lie to Me. Think it could be good.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time for a New Post

Wow! I just read through some of the last post and am pretty sure that I was the only one who did that. If you read the entirety of my last post you are an amazing individual because I doubt I would have read anyone else blog post that was this long.

Anywho, I have been working like a mad dog all day! It has been quite gratifying actually. I also swam at lunch today and think that I am close to challenging good ol Michael Phelps to a couple of laps. Seriously, I have been swimming half a mile each time I venture into the pool and today's time was under 20 minutes. (Now I realize that Mike could do it under 10, but hey, it was a personal best for me so don't crush my dreams)

The training for the half marathon is going well as well. Sue has been having some knee issues but she got ahold of some patella tendon stabilizer straps so hopefully her knees won't give her as much trouble anymore. (I will say though she has been a real trooper about the pain though, running right through. Very impressive!!!)

The weight loss is on the way too. I have decided though that diets are simply another word for starving yourself to death. I will look for a before picture to add to the post and then an after picture if I ever accomplish my goals and I will let you all be the judge to see if I look thinner and healthier or not. (This may never happen for several reasons but sounded like a good idea right now)

The Inauguration happened as well since the last time I typed on this thing. I thought it was a good day. Thought the speech was more subdued than any of the others but more Presidential. I just think this guy can flat out communicate. He is a great orator and I look forward to that for the next 4 years. (maybe eight but I'm not about to say that's a lock)

The coupon clipping is OK. We had a slip up last week and I forgot to buy the Sunday paper (Silly rabbit) But I plan to get back after it this Sunday and clip away in the afternoon when I am not watching football. (Booh!!!)

Which leads me to the last topic of this rant for the night, the worst month for sports. I hate February. Nothing to watch that I am interested in. I find myself actually watching the NBA like I care just so I can hear a commentators voice talk about something remotely related to sports. Oh come quickly March with your wonderful Madness and brackets to be busted, I long for you and baseball, don't tarry!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More about who Jonathan IS...

The Enneagram is another personality test. You might have heard of the Myers Brigg or one of those personality tests that subsections you as a lion or a sheep or a quail or some strange animal. Well this is just another one of those. This particular test looks at what drives you on the inside at your core, not how you effect others by your actions. I scored as a number three. Here is a brief description of what it had to say about me. I personally thought it was dead on but would love to know your thoughts.

Enneagram Type Three

The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type:
Adaptable, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious

Type Three in Brief

Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness. At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be—role models who inspire others.

  • Basic Fear: Of being worthless
  • Basic Desire: To feel valuable and worthwhile
  • Enneagram Three with a Two-Wing: "The Charmer"
  • Enneagram Three with a Four-Wing: "The Professional"

Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others.

The Meaning of the Arrows (in brief)

When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), driven Threes suddenly become disengaged and apathetic at Nine. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), vain, deceitful Threes become more cooperative and committed to others, like healthy Sixes. For more information, click here.

Examples: Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Jane Pauley, Michael Landon, Tony Robbins, Tom Cruise, Barbra Streisand, Sharon Stone, Madonna, Shirley MacLaine, Sting, Paul McCartney, Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Ted Danson, Michael Jordan, Shania Twain, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarznegger, Billy Dee Williams, Kathy Lee Gifford, Truman Capote, O.J. Simpson, and Barack Obama.

Type Three Overview

We have named personality type Three The Achiever because when they are healthy, Threes really can and do achieve great things in the world. They are the "stars" of human nature, and people often look up to them because of their graciousness and personal accomplishments. Healthy Threes know how good it feels to develop themselves and contribute their abilities to the world, and also enjoy motivating others to greater personal achievements than others thought they were capable of. They are usually well regarded and popular among their peers, the type of person who is frequently voted “class president" or “home coming queen” because people feel they want to be associated with this kind of person who acts as a stand-in for them. Healthy Threes embody the best in a culture, and others are able to see their hopes and dreams mirrored in them.

Threes are often successful and well liked because, of all the types, they most believe in themselves and in developing their talents and capacities. Threes act as living “role models” and paragons because of their extraordinary embodiment of socially valued qualities. Healthy Threes know that they are worth the effort it takes to be “the best that they can be.” Their success at doing so inspires others to invest in their own self-development.

Threes want to make sure their lives are a success, however that is defined by their family, their culture and their social sphere. In some families, success means having a lot of money, a grand house, a new, expensive car, and other status symbols. Others value ideas, and success to them means distinguishing oneself in academic or scientific worlds. Success in other circles might mean becoming famous as an actor, or model, or writer, or as a public figure of some kind, perhaps as a politician. A religious family might encourage a child to become a minister, priest, or rabbi since these professions have status in their community and in the eyes of the family. No matter how success is defined, Threes will try to become somebody noteworthy in their family and their community. They will not be a “nobody.”

To this end, Threes learn to perform in ways that will garner them praise and positive attention. As children, they learned to recognize the activities that were valued by their parents or peers, and put their energies into excelling in those activities. Threes also learned how to cultivate and develop whatever about them is attractive or potentially impressive.

Eve is a successful business-woman:

“My mother trained me to perform. I was about three when I performed my first solo in front of the church congregation. I got a lot of positive strokes for that and went on to perform in front of audiences throughout high school, either through music or debate. To this day, something mystical happens to me when I get in front of an audience. I ‘turn it on.’ I am called on frequently as a public speaker and some of my professional colleagues say that they hate following me on the program because I am such a hard act to follow!”

Everyone needs attention, encouragement, and the affirmation of their value in order to thrive, and Threes are the type which most exemplifies this universal human need. Threes want success not so much for the things that success will buy (like Sevens), or for the power and feeling of independence that it will bring (like Eights). They want success because they are afraid of disappearing into a chasm of emptiness and worthlessness: without the increased attention and feeling of accomplishment which success usually brings, Threes fear that they are nobody and have no value.

The problem is that, in the headlong rush to achieve whatever they believe will make them more valuable, Threes can become so alienated from themselves that they no longer know what they truly want, or what their real feelings or interests are. In this state, they are easy prey to self–deception, deceit, and falseness of all kinds. Thus, the deeper problem is that their search for a way to be value increasingly takes them further away from their own Essential Self with its core of real value. From their earliest years, as Threes become dependent on receiving attention from others and in pursuing the values that others reward, they gradually lose touch with themselves. Step by step, their own inner core, their “heart’s desire,” is left behind until they no longer recognize it.

Thus, while they are the primary type in the Feeling Triad, Threes, interestingly, are not known as “feeling” people; rather, they are people of action and achievement. It is as if they “put their feelings in a box” so that they can get ahead with what they want to achieve. Threes have come to believe that emotions get in the way of their performance, so they substitute thinking and practical action for feelings.

Jarvis is a well-educated and accomplished business professional; he sees that this pattern developed in him at an early age.

“I had no conscious awareness of this at the time, but when I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to have my feelings at all. They counted for nothing in the framework of my stepfather’s concept of what it took to be successful. I developed the habit of denying my feelings and instead focused on performing and getting good marks in school.”

Threes report that when they realize to what extent they have adapted their lives to the expectations of others, the question arises, “Well, then, what do I want?” They often simply did not know; it was not a question that had ever come up before. Thus, the fundamental dilemma of Threes is that they have not been allowed to be who they really are and to manifest their own authentic qualities. At a young age, they got the message that they were not allowed to have feelings and be themselves: they must, in effect, be someone else to be accepted. To some degree, all of the personality types have been sent the same message, but because of their particular background and makeup, Threes not only heard it, they began to live by it. The attention they received by performing in a certain way was their oxygen, and they needed it to breathe. Unfortunately, it came at a high price.

Marie, a skilled therapist describes the contradiction—and the pressure—of this orientation.

“For most of my life, people always noticed when I was involved in any kind of activity, and they have usually looked to me for some sort of direction. This has been a two-edged sword because while I wanted to be noticed and approved, the burden was that I had to be perfect—and that was tough.”

(from The Wisdom of the Enneagram, p. 153-155)

Well maybe that wasn't quite as brief as I thought, but still pretty neat. If you are interested and would like to take a quick test to see what personality type you might be here is the website.

I will tell you more about how it is impacting me and my journey next time. Especially in the area of connecting with God.

I am now pulling for the Philadelphia Eagles and Pittsburgh Steelers. (This doesn't mean that I am going to pick them in our pickem league though.)

Also, our church announced today that we have a new Minister of Education. His name is Randall Cash and I am hopeful that he is going to be a great addition to the staff. It really seems like something special is beginning to happen at the church. There is just an energy around that is different than I have experienced since I have been there. It is really exciting!

Good night everyone!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Week at Second Ponce.

The picture to the right is from the sanctuary of Second-Ponce. It was taken Friday during the memorial service of Griffin Bell. That was just one of two memorial services that were at the church. Griffin Bell was the Attorney General under Jimmy Carter and needless to say this week has been a really interesting and taxing week. If you would like to know more about the service or life of Griffin Bell here is a story from the AJC.

Beyond that it has been an action packed week with the sister in town, then the Garner's hanging out and then the Fraley's bringing Derby back to us. (He is on the right as the number one Astros fan.) I am such an extrovert though and love it. I think I could hang around people all of the time. It is great!

So Sue and I are still planning on clipping coupons! We are going to buy the AJC tomorrow. I think she is hooked as well so maybe once I have grown tired of this idea then Sue will be hooked and want to keep me going.

The half marathon training is going well. 7 miles today and still feeling good. Think if I am going to get slim and in super buff shape I am going to have to stop eating so many carbs. (We went to Pepperoni's again last night.) They don't have a website or I would have added it but if you look up Pepperoni's pizza in Ga then you can find it. It is in Duluth. It is great but I don't think I can go too many more times if I am going to get into this new and ripped figure. Anyway, the training is going really well.

Alright, will keep y'all up to date with all my ramblings. Would like to talk soon about theology and what I am reading.

Till then, later everyone and keep on following the Way.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Garner's are coming, the Garner's are coming!!!

Tonight the Garner's are coming to enjoy the BCS National Championship. It will be fun to have some good friends over watching a very (hopefully) good and enjoyable football game.

It has been an action packed week and I will give everyone the details about the highlights eventually. In the meantime I am taking Florida to win by double digits, taking the over, and taking the SEC to be considered the best conference ever!!!!!!

Hotty Toddy and goodnight!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Sis is in town!

Today was a great day! Adam made a huge comeback in our ongoing game over the weekend and for the first time I fell behind by 10 points. I plan to get back on track tomorrow Mr. Adam.

I went to church in the morning and thought the Sunday School was the best it has been maybe ever! (and I have been at the church for over two years so this is saying something) The people I taught were both engaged and interested and felt (so I thought) passionate about the topic! Thank you God... I really did need to have a glimpse of that type of reaction.

Then I had a great lunch with my sis and wife. Grilled cheese and veg. soup. It really hit the spot. Almost everyone loves grilled cheese and it was fun to eat it around the table.

Then I went to my mixed doubles tennis match. I had not practiced at all in December and thought it was going to be a nightmare, but it went really well and our team won 3-2 and my match won 6-4 7-6. It was a glorious victory because the male that was playing on the opposing team was both rude and had a really cocky attitude. (those are the sweetest victories)

Then I came back and hung out with the sis and the wife as we watched football, I hate Westbrook, watched 24, and began to think about becoming a double agent (decided against it), a pro football player (knew I couldn't make it nor take the hits) and then a grocery store clip keeper who saved money by shopping at cvs and clipping coupons. I got so inspired by another firend of a friends blog that I logged on to cvs to sign up. I know this is a bad idea because I will not follow this through correctly, but I know I am wimpsical and thought it might be fun to try for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. It is a wonderful concept but I doubt I have the patience and I am pretty sure this isn't my call anyway. (I make the random trips to the grocery not the major once every two week trip.) But who knows, maybe I can trade out grocery shopping for laundry? That might be a pretty fair trade. I would probably have to add in something else in the deal though like cooking another time a week. (who am I kidding, I hare shopping and this won't last a month, maybe not even a week) But I will run headlong at it like I do everything else for at least a couple of days and see where I land. Maybe I will be the next coupon guru by the end of the year and save enough money to take a trip to Vegas and put it all on black and let it ride. (I always want to put it on black. I wonder if that is a bad thing?)

So all in all it has been a great day and I am lucky to have had such a wonderful Sunday! Can't wait to grab breakfast with the little sis and then head into work for the grind. There is sooooo much to do this month, but alas the holidays are over and they were glorious!

Goodnight and sweet dreams, no bed bugs ya'll!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I am learning about blogging. It appears that updates are bad, adding links to other peoples thoughts is popular and stating personal opinions is a must... Well, I am still learning so this will take some time.

I read something today that I just loved. I thought I would share it with my loyal 5 readers, although there only 4 said readers I know of one more unidentified reader who would rather remain ambiguous. (and I am perfectly fine with this)

I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. used in the Book of Offices of the British Methodist Church, 1936

What I like most about this prayer is the covenant. It is a decision that we make as followers of Christ. We choose to follow the way of Jesus and a close reading of the Bible doesn't guarantee that we will be afforded any luxuries, safety, or securities just the promise of a relationship and a hope of something to come after this life. I want this year for this to be my prayer more and more, God not my will but thine. I choose to be content with your will. I want to be used by you God.

Happy New Year all! I hope 2009 is a year of growth for you as we become less and God becomes more.