Monday, July 23, 2012

A lot has changed since the last post.  Susan and I are on the crest of child number 2 (Nolan Crosby Barlow), I am no longer a "new" senior pastor with 2 months shy of two years at Royston, and 30 is only 4 months away.  I have a toddler who thinks everything in the world is awesome!  Just look at the picture below.

As Pastor, in my head I like to think the type of work I do looks similar to the picture on the left, however most of the time I am typing on the computer or meeting with people.  (And truly I couldn't make a living with my hands on a construction crew... I'm not at all talented at that type of work) 

It is good to have some constants in an ever-changing world and it is good to have some variety as well.  I look forward to spending time with Sue, catching up on the day and hearing what she has done as I try and remember my day.  I look forward to coffee in the morning.  I am trying to make it a discipline to exercise at least every other day and that has been good. 

I think routine is going to be the key for the upcoming months because I can only imagine how chaotic the coming months will be.  But in spite of all the change and chaos life is great!  Really great!  I feel like I am living a dream, I am truly blessed!

This has been the journey as of late! I will keep you posted on how everything is going from time to time.  (Here is a picture of the family enjoying vacation this summer.  The waterfall behind us was beautiful and P-man loved it!)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog JB. You are a very blessed man, indeed. Love you.
