Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Sis is in town!

Today was a great day! Adam made a huge comeback in our ongoing game over the weekend and for the first time I fell behind by 10 points. I plan to get back on track tomorrow Mr. Adam.

I went to church in the morning and thought the Sunday School was the best it has been maybe ever! (and I have been at the church for over two years so this is saying something) The people I taught were both engaged and interested and felt (so I thought) passionate about the topic! Thank you God... I really did need to have a glimpse of that type of reaction.

Then I had a great lunch with my sis and wife. Grilled cheese and veg. soup. It really hit the spot. Almost everyone loves grilled cheese and it was fun to eat it around the table.

Then I went to my mixed doubles tennis match. I had not practiced at all in December and thought it was going to be a nightmare, but it went really well and our team won 3-2 and my match won 6-4 7-6. It was a glorious victory because the male that was playing on the opposing team was both rude and had a really cocky attitude. (those are the sweetest victories)

Then I came back and hung out with the sis and the wife as we watched football, I hate Westbrook, watched 24, and began to think about becoming a double agent (decided against it), a pro football player (knew I couldn't make it nor take the hits) and then a grocery store clip keeper who saved money by shopping at cvs and clipping coupons. I got so inspired by another firend of a friends blog that I logged on to cvs to sign up. I know this is a bad idea because I will not follow this through correctly, but I know I am wimpsical and thought it might be fun to try for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. It is a wonderful concept but I doubt I have the patience and I am pretty sure this isn't my call anyway. (I make the random trips to the grocery not the major once every two week trip.) But who knows, maybe I can trade out grocery shopping for laundry? That might be a pretty fair trade. I would probably have to add in something else in the deal though like cooking another time a week. (who am I kidding, I hare shopping and this won't last a month, maybe not even a week) But I will run headlong at it like I do everything else for at least a couple of days and see where I land. Maybe I will be the next coupon guru by the end of the year and save enough money to take a trip to Vegas and put it all on black and let it ride. (I always want to put it on black. I wonder if that is a bad thing?)

So all in all it has been a great day and I am lucky to have had such a wonderful Sunday! Can't wait to grab breakfast with the little sis and then head into work for the grind. There is sooooo much to do this month, but alas the holidays are over and they were glorious!

Goodnight and sweet dreams, no bed bugs ya'll!

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