Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Week at Second Ponce.

The picture to the right is from the sanctuary of Second-Ponce. It was taken Friday during the memorial service of Griffin Bell. That was just one of two memorial services that were at the church. Griffin Bell was the Attorney General under Jimmy Carter and needless to say this week has been a really interesting and taxing week. If you would like to know more about the service or life of Griffin Bell here is a story from the AJC.

Beyond that it has been an action packed week with the sister in town, then the Garner's hanging out and then the Fraley's bringing Derby back to us. (He is on the right as the number one Astros fan.) I am such an extrovert though and love it. I think I could hang around people all of the time. It is great!

So Sue and I are still planning on clipping coupons! We are going to buy the AJC tomorrow. I think she is hooked as well so maybe once I have grown tired of this idea then Sue will be hooked and want to keep me going.

The half marathon training is going well. 7 miles today and still feeling good. Think if I am going to get slim and in super buff shape I am going to have to stop eating so many carbs. (We went to Pepperoni's again last night.) They don't have a website or I would have added it but if you look up Pepperoni's pizza in Ga then you can find it. It is in Duluth. It is great but I don't think I can go too many more times if I am going to get into this new and ripped figure. Anyway, the training is going really well.

Alright, will keep y'all up to date with all my ramblings. Would like to talk soon about theology and what I am reading.

Till then, later everyone and keep on following the Way.

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