Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time for a New Post

Wow! I just read through some of the last post and am pretty sure that I was the only one who did that. If you read the entirety of my last post you are an amazing individual because I doubt I would have read anyone else blog post that was this long.

Anywho, I have been working like a mad dog all day! It has been quite gratifying actually. I also swam at lunch today and think that I am close to challenging good ol Michael Phelps to a couple of laps. Seriously, I have been swimming half a mile each time I venture into the pool and today's time was under 20 minutes. (Now I realize that Mike could do it under 10, but hey, it was a personal best for me so don't crush my dreams)

The training for the half marathon is going well as well. Sue has been having some knee issues but she got ahold of some patella tendon stabilizer straps so hopefully her knees won't give her as much trouble anymore. (I will say though she has been a real trooper about the pain though, running right through. Very impressive!!!)

The weight loss is on the way too. I have decided though that diets are simply another word for starving yourself to death. I will look for a before picture to add to the post and then an after picture if I ever accomplish my goals and I will let you all be the judge to see if I look thinner and healthier or not. (This may never happen for several reasons but sounded like a good idea right now)

The Inauguration happened as well since the last time I typed on this thing. I thought it was a good day. Thought the speech was more subdued than any of the others but more Presidential. I just think this guy can flat out communicate. He is a great orator and I look forward to that for the next 4 years. (maybe eight but I'm not about to say that's a lock)

The coupon clipping is OK. We had a slip up last week and I forgot to buy the Sunday paper (Silly rabbit) But I plan to get back after it this Sunday and clip away in the afternoon when I am not watching football. (Booh!!!)

Which leads me to the last topic of this rant for the night, the worst month for sports. I hate February. Nothing to watch that I am interested in. I find myself actually watching the NBA like I care just so I can hear a commentators voice talk about something remotely related to sports. Oh come quickly March with your wonderful Madness and brackets to be busted, I long for you and baseball, don't tarry!

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