Monday, February 23, 2009

Should be reading but

I should be reading for CPE, but I alas I am sitting here typing away at my computer. Tonight's topic is about Melchiz'edeck. He is found in the Old Testament a couple of times and then again in Hebrews 6:20- 7:20 or so. He was the king of Salem (meaning peace according to the passage) and also the priest of the Most High God, who met with Abraham. Jesus comes from this "order of Melchiz'edeck.

Now I don't want to debate in depth too much about this guy, but more to talk about the way that Christianity in the first century felt the need to be associated to Judaism. I mean, these people did not want to be considered just another sect or cult or crazy anything but the fulfillment of the Hebrew nation. And the New Testament spends are great deal of time telling the Jews, Romans, Gentiles, and anyone who will listen that this is not something different but the same just with a fulfillment that requires something else now.

I don't exactly remember when the American League brought about the designated hitter, I don't remember when basketball brought in the three point line, and I don't recall when it was that football decided that it wasn't legal to touch a quarterback once the ball was released but those are changes within the game that have happened. These rule changes don't make baseball, basketball, or football something else, and yet one "a purist of the game" might be willing to argue that the game is different, has changed and should be called something else.

My point tonight as I ponder is this, "what should we be learning from the years of Hebrew study, dialogue, and thought that has been invested since Christ came, went and came again? Certainly there is rich tradition that has been lost, like the art of a pitcher having to practice swinging a bat just in case he is required to slap a seeing eye single through the infield to help his own cause. I don't know, just got to thinking about it. Maybe we should be talking more to those people in the strange hats who walk to the Temple? Maybe there is something rich there that we as Followers of one who is in the same order as that Melchedizinkiezkddkdo guy.

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