Thursday, February 5, 2009

The frustration of this Thursday.

I woke up just fine except for the fact that I closed my eyes around 11 pm and know that my mind wandered aimlessly for at least an hour in bed. My wife woke up as usual, but not like usual I too began to wake up and there was no reason to stay in bed past 6:45. (but I am feeling pretty well and am thinking this isn't going to catch up to me until Friday night when I have to stay awake until at least 1:15 am with the college kids at Mercer.) But so far so OK. Then I go to Publix to score some great deals only to find out that the deals change on Wednesday and today is unfortunately not Wednesday but rather Thursday. I don't have the intelligence or sheer luck to realize this until in the checkout line with all the now grossly overpriced things I will not be buying, and I have two of them to make matters even more interesting. (It is like the second item snickers at me quietly and I don't appreciate it much) So I make the best of a bad situation and get some of the deals that are now newly on sale, although I still wish I could have bought last weeks sales because they were better for the Barlow household, but alas I digress. And now is now. I forgot my lunch so will be going to get something to eat and all would be a loss for the day if I didn't have an all time low on the weight loss this morning. I am at 165. (I am also probably dehydrated and intend to drink plenty of water but at least for a moment I can see the Promised Land and know that if I keep starving myself, training for the marathon and think that sugar tastes like Brussel Sprouts I might just be able to stay at 165 and then use my friends, Katie's, nifty device to see how much body fat I have and if I am close I will celebrate... but not on a Thursday, because it hasn't been good to me today. Gray's Anatomy to come tonight so Paradise is not Lost yet completely. Reading a good book, Three Cups of Tea. Will be sharing about it soon. Love a show on the CW... WB... (the station that has the show One Tree Hill) The name of the new show I love on that station is Privileged. Witty like Gilmore Girls and really not too much of the stuff that makes late night shows sell. Also interested in Lie to Me. Think it could be good.

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